Understanding your Students

Students have many problems with teachers. Why should we put up with rude teachers when we’re already made to go to school? A majority of students don’t like rude teachers. We want to be treated as an equal. Just because an adult is ‘in charge of a classroom’ doesn’t mean they need to be mean to anyone younger than them.

Most teachers don’t respect that students can know what they want at a young age which can lead to subtle bullying. So who’s actually going to speak up? The student probably wouldn’t want to say anything because they don’t want to be a bother. Meaning this could go on for awhile before anyone realizes it.

Being in a classroom with people that you don’t like could affect your work ethic. Grades dropping and attitude change about wanting to go to school. No student should have to go through this. By having teachers that understand all kids are not the same. Could make schools a better place for everyone.

Relaxing tips

There’s a lot of people that have problems relaxing because school has a tight grip on them. Some kids work long nights studying for tests or work due the next day. Hopefully, this blog will help you relax and take a breather from the stressful life of school.

Working nonstop is bad so if you’re caught up in working a simple snack or walk to the restroom will do the trick. After this, you can start thinking straight and get right back to work. For relaxing after you’re done with your work you can listen to music or watch a movie or tv show of your choice. For a longer period of resting, you can do yoga or meditate. Yoga might not be the best for you, that’s ok. Yoga could help you relax and since you’re using more energy you could possibly sleep better for a better day at school.

Going along with meditation, breathing exercises work really well. It clears the mind and lets everything flow out. Breathing in for five and exhaling for five. Counting exercises also work counting from one to one hundred could clear your mind in no time at all.

Studying Tips

We have all been in a place where our binders are a mess and taking notes are boring and hard to read. It’s more likely for a student to read their notes to study if it’s something more than just a bland piece of paper with words. Try highlighting sections and important information. Having sections colored or highlighted makes it easier for the eyes to find important information when needed quickly.

So you’re probably asking how would I do this? First, you want to designate a color for a certain part. For example, blue for the titles and dates, green for definitions, and yellow for examples. You can pick any color that is suitable for your tastes. I recommend darker colors for longer text as to lighter colors for shorter text. This method will put less strain on your eyes while reading.

If you are a messy writer you can take the notes, color code them, and then put them into a slides or on a different sheet of paper. PROTIP! If you erase a lot, do not use pen. It might be more work but editing notes like this will help you understand the information better. Research says going over information you don’t understand fourteen times will make it stick. Furthermore when you’re listening to it being thought over and over, writing it down, color coding it, then putting it in slides. You will know your information better when using this method.

Studying Tips

We have all been in a place where our binders are a mess and notes are boring to read. It’s more likely for a student to read their notes to study if it’s something more than just a boring paper. Having sections colored or highlighted makes it easier on the eyes to find important information when needed quickly.

So you’re probably asking how would I do this? Well first, you want to make sure you have colors dedicated to certain things. For example, blue for the titles and dates, green for definitions, and yellow for examples. You can pick any color that is suitable for your tastes.