How to Cook The Best Steak Ever

Now that the weather is heating up, it’s time to dust off those grills and get the meat cooking. Zach, Chase, and Quinton have found a new passion exploring foods in their creative cuisine class here at Beaver Local, and they wanted to share a few recipes for you to incorporate into your summer grilling menu.

Advice Column #3

Dear Justus,
Prom is coming up and me and my date had planned on going together for a while now. Although I don’t really want to go with him anymore but I don’t have a choice. Should I grin and bare it the entire night of prom or should I ditch him to hangout with my friends? I don’t wanna hurt his feelings.

Dear Date Ditcher,
If you feel that way about your date why don’t you just tell him? Go get pictures and eat together then you both can go off with your friends!! Either way you’ll both have a blast.
Dear Justus,
it’s been warm the past couple days and I really want to wear shorts to school but I’m afraid to get dress coded. Should I just not wear them?

Dear Daisy Dukes,
Shorts are okay to wear to school as long as they aren’t shorter than your fingertips. Trust me I know how hard it is to find shorts that meet dress code requirements! If you have any questions regarding dress code, check out a previous article published about the requirements.
Dear Justus,
This is my first year going to prom and I’m both scared yet not excited. What is it like?

Dear Anonymous,
For me personally, prom is different from any other school dance. It is for sure way more fun! Go forth with a positive outlook on it or you won’t have an awesome time!

Autism Awareness

The whole month of April is celebrated towards autism awareness. April 2nd is known as Autism Awareness Day, but the disorder is celebrated the whole month of April. Autism is a serious developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact. Some individuals are impacted more severely by autism, while some people’s autism is more manageable.

Mrs. B Hall has been an important individual at promoting autism awareness in the Beaver Local School District. She and others have helped to present signs on walls and doors all around the school giving a people an idea that this month should represent autism. The color for autism awareness is blue, and people should be encouraged to wear blue. This condition has no cure, but more people should be informed of this disorder.
The students who are in Mrs. B Hall’s class have been going around at lunch to offer people to buy puzzle pieces for fifty cents where they can put their name on them. All of the money collected from the fundraiser will go straight to autism awareness.

All around us are people who’ve been diagnosed with autism but live in the functioning real world. According to data, 1 in 58 people are diagnosed with autism and more people should be aware of this disease.

Check out the video below from Autism Speaks for more information on Autism Spectrum Disorder:

Theraputic Riding

Therapeutic Riding

Therapeutic riding has many benefits to it. Therapeutic riding has benefits for people of all ages. Some of those benefits are improving motor skills, improved motor coordination and balance, improves core strength,and helps with social skills. After the select riding activities the rider does with the horse, the rider is more confident, and the rider performs better with day to day activities. Such as, talking, balance, and coordination. Therapeutic riding has a lot more benefits than just these. Most of the time, people with disabilities often limit their movement and interaction. So, this therapy would help them get the opportunity for independence and mobility.

If Beaver Local had an equine sport, students with disabilities would really benefit from it. It could get them interacting with people and it could help them with school relative activities like sports. Since these students don’t really get accepted for sports, the therapeutic riding could be a sport for these students. Like most sports, people are passionate about them, and these students could really enjoy doing something like this. That way, they could even make friends with people that like the same thing as them.


10 Tips for Standardized Success!

As standardized tests begin in the state of Ohio, make sure you are prepared for the big test. Here are 10 tips to help you do your best on the test!
1. Remember to always get a good night sleep! You don’t want to be tired on test day.
2. Eat a good healthy breakfast! The school offers free breakfast for all students every morning.
3. Don’t second guess yourself! Usually your first answer is the right choice.
4. Use your time wisely. You want to try to finish all the questions in the allotted time.
5. Study as much as you can the week before the test, to guarantee you will do your best!
6. If you don’t understand a question, move on and come back to it if you have the time.
7. Remember to highlight the key details in case you need to come back!
8. If you have to guess, try to eliminate as many answers as possible to give you a better chance at getting it correct.
9. Wear your most comfortable clothes, so you can be relaxed and comfy for the whole test!
10. Read each question carefully to what they are really asking!

Good luck, and do your very best!

Class of 2017!

As the end of the year approaches, seniors and teachers are readily preparing for the departure of yet another senior class. Winding down, emotions of nervousness and excitement are all over the place. The Beaver Blog asked some seniors how they feel about the end of the year and their plans for the future. We even asked some teachers how they were dealing with the approach of graduation.
I first interviewed Sabrina Dowd who is eagerly awaiting graduation. She is preparing for graduation by putting her all into her school work for the end of the year, filling out scholarships, and “Actually coming to school”. Her plans for after high school are to attend YSU in the fall and major in Biology. When asked why she chose this major, she said, “It is my favorite subject and I think I will excel in it”. In addition, her tips for following seniors are this, “Staying organized is key and keep up with your reading”.
I then interviewed Matthew Ludwig who is nervous yet excited to graduate and leave Beaver Local. Matt claimed his strategy for success was “to get good grades and call it a year.” Matthew is attending YSU in the fall and majoring in Journalism. When asked why he chose this path for college he said, “I like to express my views on topics and share my opinion.”
I, myself plan on attending YSU in the fall also. I will be majoring in social work. I am beyond ecstatic to graduate and experience what the future holds for me. As for advice to the upcoming senior class, give high school your all because it really is worth it in the end.
On the other hand, I also asked Senior Advisor and English teacher Mrs. Hendricks how she felt on the seniors this year graduating. “It’s like I’m losing a part of myself” she explained. When asked how prepared she thinks we are for the future, she said, “No matter how much we teachers can try to prepare you for the real world, it’s never enough. You have to experience things, it’s life changing”. Mrs. Hendricks has been working hard all year to prepare us seniors for life after high school. She has given us much responsibility, sass, and kept us busy to teach us how to deal with stress and multitasking. Though some may not see it yet, she has taught us many life lessons. Hendricks stated, “You won’t realize it until you get out into the real world, so many kids come back and thank me because just like you they don’t know it at first but I really am helping you prepare for the future.”
With only 38 more days for us seniors and 59 more days until graduation, students and teachers are readily preparing to say goodbye to the class of 2017. Hopes are high and hearts are pounding at the thought. Thank you to all the Beaver Local faculty and staff. You have shaped us into the bright young adults we are today! In saying that, Good Luck to all the seniors on your future plans!

The senior class won the battle of the classes last week

Lunch Lady Land, Meet the BLHS Cafeteria Ladies

At Beaver Local, the students have 3 high school lunches (lunch A, B, and C). All 3 lunches are fairly large in size with the majority of high school students in C lunch. The lunch ladies have their daily pick of lunches like pizza, sandwiches, wraps, burgers and chicken patties. The cafeteria has a special lunch daily though, they had served a chicken bowl with mashed potatoes and popcorn chicken.

This is Janet lee Stanley, she is an outstanding worker at Beaver Local School District and she has been here for 18 years. She has been head cook for Beaver Local for about 10 years now. She does multiple jobs other than making and preparing food though, she washes dishes, helps set out breakfast items and also orders specific items used in the lunchroom. She has enjoyed her her working years at Beaver Local very much so, she loves her co-workers and even can call them some of her best friends.

This is Tammy fox, she has worked at Beaver Local for 20 years always in the food department. Her favorite part of her job has to be working with the people, “I love my co-workers,” Tammy explained. Tammy is also a head cook but she mainly keeps up on products during the day so they don’t run out.

This is Michale Lynn Blair, she’s worked in the Beaver Local School District for about six years and she is actually a cashier. She’s in charge of taking kids money and seeing what they have put on their trays. Michale loves her job, she loves working here at Beaver Local and says, “ I wouldn’t want to work with a better group of people, gotta love them.”


We at the Beaver Blog would like to say THANK YOU to all of our wonderful cafeteria workers. You are appreciated and valued.